Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A World Of Girls Journey, Session 1

A World of Girls Journey, session 1

As a new Girl Scout leader I have had to search for resources to inspire ideas for leading badge sessions. Like all typical leaders I have purchased the leader and journey guides but still look for more resources to make the meetings exciting for the girls. This is the first journey that y brownie group has participated in, we decided to begin with this journey because it fit best with what we were planning for World Thinking Day. We began meeting as a troop in late January of 2015, most of the meetings through the beginning of March consisted of cookie sales and cookie sale badge work. So when world thinking day arrived the girls were inspired to learn more about other Girl Scouts and girl guides around the world.

The journey started with the girls learning the international hello song, Find link to song here,
I then showed the girls a globe and told them that we would be learning about girls all around the world. I explained that we would learn about the girls countries, customs, their stories, and how their own story could inspire change and serve as positive influences. Next, the girls created world travel suitcases and a world passport (I will post links later)

We read the journey story, Flying Into Shali's Desert Home, which focused on the friends visiting a girl from Jordan who wanted to learn to read. After the story the girls discussed the prompts in the
guide and reflected in their world passports. They practiced saying hello and goodbye in the Jordanian language. We colored the Jordan flag and added it too our passports, as well as, Jordanian travel stamps and information about surrounding countries. 

For snack, we had figs, pita chips, humus, mango's, carrots, and fruit punch. 

At the conclusion of the meeting we played Banyoka, a game centered around obstacles which the girls must maneuver around while scouting on their bottoms holding onto each other's shoulders. The 
title of the game means "the snake" and the girls simulated snake-like movement while playing the game. 

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